Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Traditional Food of Belitung

the dominant belitung eat seafood. such as shrimp, squid, crab, mussels, and fish. but belitung also have special food, which is named "Gangan". gangan is in the form of fish meal made with vegetable sauce that tastes like acid, but has a distinctive flavor. 

in Belitung also have food in the form of a typical noodle belitung. but the famous noodle shop in Belitung is "Noodle ATEP". atep noodles are noodles with sauce of shrimp broth mixed with spices typical belitung. noodles are mixed with bean sprouts and tofu and shrimp and pour the sauce with chips added. in Belitung also has a distinctive drinks, namely orange ice key. shape similar to the orange key lime but has a different taste.

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