Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Direct and Indirect Speech


"There is a good chance we will miss it," Oppenheimer says. "But it still tells us where science thinks we should be, and where we need to get back to. Missing it doesn't mean that the Earth will explode or that climate policy will end. It just puts a sharp point on the fact that we goofed." 

"Maintaining it forces us to continue to pretend that it's feasible and focuses people's attention on a number that isn't very well connected to the damage humans are doing to the climate."

Oppenheimer said that there is a good chance we will miss it, but it still tells us where science thinks we should be, and where we need to get back to. Missing it doesn't mean that the Earth will explode or that climate policy will end. It just puts a sharp point on the fact that we goofed.

David Victor, a professor of international relations at the University of California, San Diego said that maintaining it forces us to continue to pretend that it's feasible and focuses people's attention on a number that isn't very well connected to the damage humans are doing to the climate.

Kerak Telor

Kerak Telor is a the typical food of the area of Jakarta (Batavia), the ingredients of white glutinous rice, chicken or duck eggs, ebi (shrimp marinated dried) dry roasted added fried onions, and seasoned mashed form roasted coconut, red chilli , Kaempferia Galanga, ginger, pepper grains, salt and sugar. Kerak Telor is made by heating white glutinous rice in a hot pan, then input a duck or chicken eggs into the frying pan containing a white glutinous rice, whipped egg and white glutinous rice until mixed. then form a circle around the pan and cook until the stick to the pan. then input ebi, toasted coconut, spice puree, salt, sugar and fried onions. then lift the Kerak Telor from pan. and ready to eat Kerak Telor.

Mie Aceh

Mie Aceh is a distinctive spicy noodles from Aceh in Indonesia, which has a very strong flavor of spices and spicy. Thick yellow noodles with slices of beef, lamb or seafood (shrimp, crab and squid) are presented in a kind of spicy curry and soup. Mie Aceh is available in there types, Mie Aceh Goreng (fried and dried), Mie Aceh Gravy (soup) and Mie Aceh Tumis(saute). Usually sprinkled with fried onions and served with chips, chunks of red onion, cucumber, and lime. Delicious Mie Aceh has a strong spicy flavor and creamy.

Traditional Food of Belitung

the dominant belitung eat seafood. such as shrimp, squid, crab, mussels, and fish. but belitung also have special food, which is named "Gangan". gangan is in the form of fish meal made with vegetable sauce that tastes like acid, but has a distinctive flavor. 

in Belitung also have food in the form of a typical noodle belitung. but the famous noodle shop in Belitung is "Noodle ATEP". atep noodles are noodles with sauce of shrimp broth mixed with spices typical belitung. noodles are mixed with bean sprouts and tofu and shrimp and pour the sauce with chips added. in Belitung also has a distinctive drinks, namely orange ice key. shape similar to the orange key lime but has a different taste.


Gepuk is a traditional foods of western Java, precisely at Bandung. gepuk is a food made from beef. gepuk have a sense of sweet and savory. usually gepuk using beef is cut in the direction of the fibers of meat. then, beef that has been at the pieces pounded until beef is tender. then beef stew with seasonings and coconut milk. then boiled again until the coconut milk is shrinking. then, fried beef with hot oil until lightly browned. then gepuk ready to eat. usually, gepuk available at the Sunda restaurant.  famous gepuk is gepuk "Ny.Ong". sense of gepuk Ny.Ong have a distinctive taste.


Belitung is an island located near the southern Sumatra province. belitung first person to call the town belitung as Belitong. but as more and more visitors are coming in the name of "Belitong" changed into "belitung". in Belitung predominantly Islamic. population in Belitung 50% of Chinese, 40% indigenous people belitung, and 10% are immigrants from outside Belitung. belitung famous for beautiful beaches and has a large stone rocks along the coast, therefore the beauty of Belitung be nice coastal tourism in Indonesia. belitung have derived from the meteor rocks are rocks "Satam". The stone came from a meteor that fell in the age of dinosaurs. uniqueness of this stone is contained in the magnetic field in this stone. belitung also have special food, which is named "Gangan". gangan is in the form of fish meal made with vegetable sauce that tastes like acid, but has a distinctive flavor. belitung also become a breeding small mammals called "Tarsier". Belitung is an island that should be in the visit, because the beauty of the island.

Senin, 05 Januari 2015


5. Not only her parents but also her brother and sister lives in New York
ANSWER : D. Not only her parents but also her brother and sister live in New York

2. The sheepdog is chasing after the sheeps which is heading over the hill.
ANSWER : C. The sheepdog is chasing after the sheep which are heading over the hill

8. After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sell her bicycle.
ANSWER : C. After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.