Selasa, 29 April 2014

10 Istilah Bisnis yang sudah diterjemahkan

1. Inflation: a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency.

Inflation was kept in check because the money supply was strictly tied to the average lease value of the land. Inflasi disimpan di cek karena jumlah uang beredar secara ketat terikat dengan nilai sewa rata-rata tanah.

2. Innovation: something new or different introduced.

Instead, it was technological innovation that made the difference.
Sebaliknya , itu adalah inovasi teknologi yang membuat perbedaan .

3. Profit: the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials

The company works on a small margin of profit.
Perusahaan ini bekerja pada margin kecil dari keuntungan.

4. Production: the act of presenting for display; presentation

It takes no account of the depreciation of capital goods, and so overstates the value of production.
Ini tidak memperhitungkan depresiasi barang modal , sehingga melebih-lebihkan nilai produksi .

5. Credit: commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.

Give credit where it is due.
Memberikan kredit di mana ia jatuh tempo .

6. Commodity: a quantity of goods.

The real price of this commodity, therefore, naturally rises in the progress of improvement
Harga riil komoditas ini , oleh karena itu, secara alami meningkat dalam kemajuan perbaikan

7. Pledging: something delivered as security for the payment of a debt or fulfilment of a promise, and subject to forfeiture on failure to pay or full fill the promise.

He will get a pledging if he and his family sick
ia akan mendapatkan penjaminan jika ia dan keluarganya sakit

8. Liquidity

Such taxes surely reduce liquidity in financial markets.
Pajak tersebut pasti mengurangi likuiditas di pasar keuangan .

9. Market: an open place or a covered building where buyers and sellers convene for the sale of goods.

At the same time, the global market has become so huge that you can occupy a high-end niche and still sell a lot of units.
Pada saat yang sama , pasar global telah menjadi begitu besar bahwa Anda dapat menempati niche high-end dan masih menjual banyak unit .

10. Produce: to bring into existence by intellectual or creative ability

It's a reliable recipe, but subtle changes produce surprising differences
Ini adalah resep yang dapat diandalkan , namun perubahan halus menghasilkan perbedaan yang mengejutkan

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