Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Tradisi Wayang Po Tee Hie yang Masih Lestari

Tradisi Wayang Po Tee Hie yang Masih Lestari, Jombang: Wayang Potehi (Po Tay Hie) yang biasa disebut Wayang Cina, Potehi berasal dari kata pou (kain), te (kantong) dan hi (wayang). Jadi wayang Potehi adalah wayang boneka yang terbuat dari kain.
Cara memainkannya, tangan sang dalang akan masuk ke dalam wayang tersebut dan menggerakkannya layaknya wayang lain. Pembuat wayang Potehi (Po Tay Hie) sangat sulit ditemui diindonesia, salah satunya di Desa Gudo Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang. Di sana berdiri yayasan Po Tee Hie yang membuat berbagai karakter wayang.
Toni Harsono, ketua Yayasan Po Tee Hie Gudo mengatakan, Potehi menceritakan tentang sejarah Cina, mulai dari kisah percintaan sampai peperangan dengan menggunakan bahasa Hokkian. "Tetapi tetap saja, meskipun menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, pakem-pakem bahasa Hokkian tetap diucapkan dalam beberapa adegan," tambahnya.
Bukan hanya itu, menurut Toni, yayasannya tak hanya mengajarkan pembuatan wayang tapi juga memberikan pengajaran menjadi dalang potehi juga ."Satu hari satu karakter boneka yang dibuat, dengan ketentuan dan pakem tertentu," imbuhnya.
Lebih lanjut toni menambahkan, jika wayangnya banyak diminati oleh berbagai kalangan, bahkan sampai mancanegara."Ada yang menawar ingin beli tapi kita tolak karena semua wayang ini hanya untuk pergelaran dan nantinya kita musium kan, karena ada wayang yang usianya lebih dari 100 tahun," pungkasnya.
Potehi merupakan ritual yang dipersembahkan untuk para dewa, terutama menjelang perayaan Imlek. Masyarakat Tiongkok percaya, mementaskan wayang itu akan membuang sial. Pementasan Potehi juga merupakan wujud rasa syukur mereka. Seiring perkembangan zaman, Potehi mulai merambah dunia hiburan.(Rul)

Puppet Tradition Still Po Tee Hie Sustainable

Puppet Potehi (Po Tay Hie) which is commonly called the Puppet China, Potehi derived from the pou (cloth), te (bag) and hi (puppet). So puppet puppet puppet Potehi is made of fabric.
How to play it, the hand of the puppeteer will be entered into the puppet and the puppet move it like any other. Potehi puppet maker (Po Tay Hie) is very difficult to find indonesia, one of them in the village of Gudo Gudo District of Jombang. There stood the foundation Po Tee Hie which makes a variety of puppet characters.
Toni Harsono, chairman of the Foundation Po Tee Hie said Gudo, Potehi tell about the history of China, ranging from romance to war with the use of Hokkien. "But still, despite the use of Indonesian, grip-grip Hokkien still spoken in some scenes," he added.
Not only that, according to Toni, the foundation not only teaches puppet making, but also provide the mastermind potehi teaching as well. "One day a puppet characters created, with provisions and certain grip," he added.
Furthermore toni added, if the puppet is much in demand by various groups, even to foreign countries. "There are bidding want to buy but we refused because all these puppets just for our future performance and the museum, because there are puppets whose age is more than 100 years," he concluded.
Potehi is a ritual dedicated to the gods, especially ahead of the Chinese New Year celebrations. Chinese people believe, it would be a puppet stage unlucky. Potehi staging is also a form of gratitude them. As the times, Potehi began to explore the world of entertainment

Po Tee Hie Puppet Tradition Still Sustainable

Puppet Potehi (Po Tay Hie) which is commonly known as Chinese Puppet, Potehi derived from the pou (cloth), te (bag) and hi (puppet).  So Potehi puppet is the pupet which is made from fabric.
How to play it, the hand of the puppeteer will be entered into the puppet and move it like any other. Potehi puppet maker (Po Tay Hie) is very difficult to find indonesia, one of them in Gudo Village of Gudo District of Jombang. There stood the foundation Po Tee Hie which makes a variety of puppet characters.
Toni Harsono, chairman of the Foundation Po Tee Hie from Gudoi said, Potehi tells about the history of China, ranging from love stories to war with the use of Hokkien. "But still, despite the use of Indonesian, Hokkien still spoken in some scenes," he added.
Not only that, according to Toni, the foundation not only taught puppet making, but also provide to be the mastermind potehi instruction as well. "One day a puppet characters created, with conditions and certain grip," he added.
Furthermore Toni added, if the puppet is much in demand by various groups, even to foreign countries. "There are bidding want to buy but we refused because all these puppets just for our future performance and the museum, because there are puppets whose age is more than 100 years," he concluded.

Potehi is a ritual dedicated to the gods, especially ahead of the Chinese New Year celebrations. Chinese people believe, puppet performed would be unlucky. Potehi staging is also a form of gratitude them. As the times, Potehi began to explore the world of entertainment